
Thursday, September 9, 2010

argh workkkkk

Holidays are /holidays/. Not this. Bleagh.

Finally got MingWei's bass fixed up, and also a pretty damn good amp considering the price. Went to Isaac's house on Monday to jam, although it was fairly futile to focus on any one song ^.^"

Suddenly have been really getting into board games. Too bad wargames barely even exist now: all we have left are PCs and consoles. If anybody is interested, go search VASSALENGINE and download it: it's an online engine that runs board games (you'll still have to learn the rules tho' as there's no AI).

Feeling very insecure about many things, but heh, I guess that's puberty for ya'.


Awesome Band of The Day:
Delta Spirit

Bushwick Blues

White Table

Seriously, how can you not love these?